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Advent - Week 2

Writer's picture: Krista L. AllisonKrista L. Allison

Week 1

Week 2

Let's GO!...

Ephesians 6:18 tells us that praying at all times in the Spirit, will infuse the armor and through the Holy Spirit we will be given the strength we need to be the ambassadors (warrior princesses) to fulfill our ministry He has called us to for this time; this season.

Good Morning Princesses!

Just a brief announcement:

· In-Person Class Session on Tuesday, December 18 @6:00 pm.

Let's continue this week with a deep dive at Week 2 of Advent.


Hope you were able to meditate on the Week 1 Advent themes: Remembrance, Hope, and Anticipation. Continue to hold these words close and let's jump into Week 2 of Advent.

For Week 2, the focus is on preparation and peace.


The second purple candle lit is called the “Bethlehem Candle”. It represents preparation. As you may recall, the "little" town of Bethlehem is the birth of Jesus. The town was also known as the City of David (King David's birthplace and part of Jesus' lineage). The prophet Micah foretells the birthplace of Christ in Chapter 5, verses 2-4.

2 But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,

who are too little to be among the clans of Judah,

from you shall come forth for me

one who is to be ruler in Israel,

whose coming forth is from of old,

from ancient days.

3 Therefore he shall give them up until the time

when she who is in labor has given birth;

then the rest of his brothers shall return

to the people of Israel.

4 And he shall stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord,

in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.

And they shall dwell secure, for now he shall be great

to the ends of the earth.

Isaiah 9:5-6 speaks of both preparation and peace. Take a look:

Every warrior’s boot used in battle

and every garment rolled in blood

will be destined for burning,

will be fuel for the fire.

For to us a child is born,

to us a son is given,

and the government will be on his shoulders.

And he will be called

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

From the New Testament,

John 14:27 ~ Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Colossians 1:19-20 ~ For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.

For this week, as we celebrate the second week of Advent, meditate upon the following words:




Checking in on Esther...

3. Esther, Chapter 6- The Plot Thickens

Next week, we 'll turn to Chapter 6. Keep reading and don't forget to track the PURIM's!

Oh, princesses of faith...remember

Prayerempowers and ‘charges up’ every other piece so they can be used effectively against the enemy. Without prayer… your armor, cannot, will not, be infused with the power that only God’s-Spirit can give."

Closing Thoughts-

Know that through the Holy Spirit you can:

· do things you couldn't;

· feel things you didn't; and

· know things you wouldn't.

GO! PLAYLIST...For your praise and worship:

GO! 12/10/18- New feature, contains a playlist of songs for your praise and worship time.


· Please tell a friend. There's still time to join in!

· See you at GO! on Tuesday, December 18, 2018, Stark Library - 2nd Floor Meeting Room - 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm

Remember, each day is an opportunity for us to...

Lead, Serve and GO!



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