November 2, 2015
A Message from GO! Women's Small Group Bible Study:
Good Morning Ladies!
I had an opportunity to drive around this weekend to view the beautiful autumn season. It really is amazing to watch the seasons change. In between the spaces of time are the changes of the season; from fall, to winter, then spring to summer and so forth. It's like each season is God's new breath; new promises on the earth. Wow...
Keep this thought in mind for a little longer and for this week, let's get our praise on! Here are three songs to listen to, however, I ask that wherever you are listening to these songs, that you turn the music UP!
If you know the songs, sing along (even if you are not a "singer"- sing along- God's smiling at your effort to hold that note)!
If you like to dance, start moving (little cardio for the week)!
Yes, let's praise God for His many blessings, love, grace and mercies each day, week, month, season and year!
Are you ready....
And the cool down song...
(Don't forget your bottle of water! :)
Housekeeping :
Following this email will be another email with specifics about our next session. I have placed the link below as well. Please register online. We will continue our conversation and study about life in the Holy Spirit in Fruits of the Spirit- Living Beyond Yourself.
Our next session will begin on Tuesday, November 17th. Spread the word and invite someone to our next session!
Remember, each day is an opportunity for us to...
Lead, Serve, GO!
Have a great week and see you on November 17th!
Each day we have an opportunity to be the light and salt God has called us to be to others. Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)