Let's GO!...
Ephesians 6:18 tells us that praying at all times in the Spirit, will infuse the armor and through the Holy Spirit we will be given the strength we need to be the ambassadors (the warrior princesses) to fulfill our ministry He has called us to for this time; this season
1. FerVent Prayer- Setting the Stage
Did you get a chance to listen to Dr. Stanley's message on Fervent prayer?
Dr. Stanley's 3 takeaways from his sermon:
· Prayer that moves God is offered "to God".
· Prayer that moves God is offered fervently.
· Prayer that moves God is made according to His will and in agreement with fellow believers.
If not, please try to listen to the message this summer. It's powerful.
2. Yay! Something New this Summer... Weekly Video Log
For our summer book study, each week I will send a link to Priscilla's video log and a key verse to write in your prayer journal and pray over. The videos are a part of Priscilla's virtual war room, created from her past FerVent study- "FerVent Fridays" two years ago. Rather than re-create, I hope you find Priscilla's conversations timely and thoughtful. Each video is less than 10 minutes long.
(Keep in mind that for each strategy there are verses listed in the book as well. Feel free to journal the verse listed in the GO! Monday report below or use the ones listed in the book).
Questions, feel free to email.
We will use both the videos and verses in the GO! Report as a resource to help guide our reading this summer and it will give us some food for thought as we prepare to meet at the end of the month for our online discussion. EachYay!
3. Getting It Back When It's Gone - Strategy 1 (running time 6:00 min-- the last 3 minutes refer to the study that ran in 2016).
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26) For this week, please listen to=> Strategy 1 Your Passion
Oh, princesses of faith...remember
Prayer “empowers and ‘charges up’ every other piece so they can be used effectively against the enemy. Without prayer… your armor, cannot, will not, be infused with the power that only God’s-Spirit can give."
Closing Thoughts-

Know that through the Holy Spirit you can:
· do things you couldn't;
· feel things you didn't; and
· know things you wouldn't.
GO! PLAYLIST...For your praise and worship:
GO! 6/18/18- New feature, contains a playlist of songs and Books of the Bible (from Bible Project) for your praise and worship time.
Enjoy the playlist!
Summer reading has begun!

Have you started the summer reading yet? If not, our summer book study just started last week, so you are in perfect timing. Below is the June 2018 schedule:
June 2018 Reading Sections (Strategies 1-3)=> Pages 1-70 ~ Online Call=> July 5th @ 6:00 pm
Please spread the word as you may know someone else who would like to join us reading this summer. Happy reading!
Fervent, A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer
Remember, each day is an opportunity for us to...
Lead, Serve and GO!