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How's Your Penmanship

Writer's picture: Krista L. AllisonKrista L. Allison


Glorious Morning Princesses!

This month is off and moving.  For those of you following along via this weekly email, we are in Week 6 (face-to-face) and Week 4 online.  This week see the playlist of the praise and worship songs and a clip from Entrusted. This link can also be accessed at the end of the GO! report.

How's Your Penmanship, Continued...?

If you are completing the writing portion for our Fall 2016 session, on page 183-184 of your study guide you will find space to continue writing 2 Timothy- Chapter 3 and 4.  If you haven't started, there's always still time, just start on a chapter and see where it takes you!

Got Questions, God Has The Answers?

Throughout this study, Beth has designated in our weekly assignments a Q&A section. In this section, various women have asked Beth questions in her blog that she created to gain insight before taping the Entrusted sessions.  Beth selected a view for this series and she has included them in the Entrusted bible study.   Here's one question from the series:

Carmen: What's been the hardest thing for you to let go of?

Beth: For many grueling years the hardest thing for me to let go of was regret.  I fixated on how deeply I regretted certain terribly consequential decisions in my past and I could not stop grieving my foolishness.  My regret lingered many years beyond genuine repentance and finally became oppressive that I begged Jesus to deliver me. It has been a lengthy process but I'm deeply grateful to no longer be in bongage to it.

Think back to last week's GO! Report (10/3/16) where you were asked to either create or reflect on your story timeline from birth to present that included the "highlights, lowlights, and everything in between".  ("Meet The New You" by Elisa Pulliam, Day 4 -Mind the Gap, Please)

As you reflected on your timeline, were there any areas or decisions that you found you were still holding onto?  Were there any decisions that you regretted?  Any point along your journey that you discovered you were holding onto an area of guilt or regret?

Are you still holding onto this guilt or regret?  

If so, as Beth , our regret, feelings of blame and guilt, are well beyond repentance.  

If you have already prayed for the Lord to deliver you from this, and you haven't let it go, it's now beyond regret and has manifested into oppresiveness. We know that the enemy takes great pleasure in keeping us in an oppressed state; keeping us in the dark, tormenting us with our guilt, regret and remorse.


Because we are God's princesses, we know that our Father has a plan for our life. Only with God's power and strength can you or I ever think to accomplish the work HE has called us to do on this earth.  It's through HIS power that we can overcome and be delivered from our guilt, regret and oppressive feelings.  

It's time Princesses, to give those feelings over to God and and to take up your calling.

Each of us has been called to a missionary journey of our own.

Pray that the Lord will deliver you.  Be confident; be humble and believe He will!

Know that it's a "right foot, left foot" process. Each day it will get easier. Each day is a walk of faith.  God will keep you.  Take comfort and be assured that you are His and He is yours!

Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, having this inscription:

The Lord knows those who are His, and Everyone who names the name of the Lord must turn away from unrighteousness. (2 Timothy 2:19 - HCSB)

With this now as your backdrop, fulfill your ministry.  

Think about the following questions:

1. Name one thing you know God has entrusted to you?

2. What steps have you or can you presently take to grow in effectiveness in that area?

3. Do you have the courage to walk in both confidence and humility tofulfill your ministry? (See=>Entrusted Session)

Take a look at the following scripture:

We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God: those who are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28- HCSB)

As God's Princesses, no matter how you look at it on your story timeline, our losses are ALL GAINS.  Why? Because we gain Jesus, HE IS THE BEST PART! He's everything. Everything is working together for His good; and HIS good is our good!

Don't let you past keep you from your future.

Ask God for favor to help you fulfill your ministry.

If our God is for us, then who could ever stop us!


Closing Thought-  

Remember to KEEP MOVING FORWARD to fulfill your ministry:

Mighty servants of God turned loose on this globe in the great name of Jesus.

Prayer “empowers and ‘charges up’ every other piece so they can be used effectively against the enemy.  Without prayer…your armor, cannot, will not, be infused with the power that only God’s Spirit can give. (The Armor of God- P.Shirer)

Know that through the Holy Spirit you can:

do things you couldn't;feel things you didn't; andknow things you wouldn't.

For your praise and worship: => (October 11th Playlist)

Nobody But Jesus - K. Price and V. Armstrong

Intentional- T. Greene

Our GOD- C. Tomlin


October 11- CANCELLED (class resumes October 18)

Our October 11th class is cancelled.  We will resume on Tuesday, October 18th.  This will give us all an extra week to complete homework and if you are writing 2 Timothy, you have some extra time.  (Smile!)

Get Ready!...Next week, we are going to TTQA (turn the question around) more to come. ...Our Next Study?- Information will be shared next week.

Don't forget to register (or forward to a friend) for our Fall 2016 session. On October 18th, we will be working on Week 6 (face to face) and Week 5 (online) for our Fall six-week session:  => Register for Entrusted

Remember, each day is an opportunity for us to...

Lead, Serve and GO!


Each day we have an opportunity to be the light and salt God has called us to be to others.    Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)

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