Let's GO!...
Ephesians 6:18 tells us that praying at all times in the Spirit, will infuse the armor and through the Holy Spirit we will be given the strength we need to be the ambassadors (the warrior princesses) to fulfill our ministry He has called us to for this time; this season
1. Picking Up From Last Week...
Last week, the following statement ended the GO! report:
Even when you don't know how you know WHO is with you. You know WHO is in the boat with you. You know WHO will never forsake you. You know WHO loves you most and is working all things for your good. (Romans 8:28 ) Knowing how we communicate with God is an important part of our Christian walk.
2. Obedience Always ~ Posture Yourself ~ Praying At ALL Times
Can you believe that we are already six months into 2018? Thank God for the past few months and for the months to come. If you had a chance to join us for our Winter/Spring study, we have just concluded Discerning the Voice of God (How to Recognize When God Speaks) by Priscilla Shirer. Interesting feedback from fellow princesses was that Priscilla started the series with obedience (A Proactive Stance of Obedience) and concludes or session with Obedience (A Return to Obedience).
Interestingly she states the following in the last week of the study, “Obedience is not only the proactive posture we take to hear from Him, but it is also the response we employ once He has spoken. In fact, no other response is appropriate”.
Hmm, you may want to read again. Powerful statement.
Here’s another on point statement:
“Posturing ourselves to hear from the Lord means punctuating our prayer time with the antiquated art of silence, turning our attention inward to detect the stirring of God’s Spirit, looking intently at the Word, and loving what it says more than we love what everyone and everything else around us is saying.”
Prayer is powerful and serious business. To hear from God we must have a posture of listening, an antiquated art of silence and a proactive stance of obedience.
With prayer as our foundation, let’s jump right into GO! Summer Book Study, Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer. Starting today, June 4th we will begin our 2018 summer book study. Fitting that we would end with prayer and obedience and move right into our “action guide to practical, purposeful praying”. Take a look at our timeline:

June 2018 Reading Sections (Strategies 1-3)=> Pages 1-70; Online Call=> Week of July 1st
July 2018 Reading Sections (Strategies 4-6)=> Pages 71 -118; Online Discussion=> Week of July 29th
August 2018 Reading Section (Strategies 7-10)=> Pages 119- 190; Online Discussion=> Week of August 26th
Fervent, A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer
If you are participating, note that we will have three (3) Online Calls. Please hold Thursday’s at 6:00 pm for our calls. So, Thursday, July 5th, August 2nd and August 30th @6:00 pm.
Links for the online call will be sent out.
If you are participating, please email at GO! Canton at godsopportunity.canton@gmail.com and the online link will be sent to you.
Oh, one last update, to keep us on track with our reading this summer, look for weekly notes in our Monday GO! Reports!
Next week, “What’s FerVent Prayer”? Happy Reading! 😀
Oh, princesses of faith...remember
Prayer “empowers and ‘charges up’ every other piece so they can be used effectively against the enemy. Without prayer… your armor, cannot, will not, be infused with the power that only God’s-Spirit can give."
Closing Thoughts-

Know that through the Holy Spirit you can:
· do things you couldn't;
· feel things you didn't; and
· know things you wouldn't.
GO! PLAYLIST...For your praise and worship:
GO! 6/4/18- New feature, contains a playlist of songs and Books of the Bible (from Bible Project) for your praise and worship time.
Enjoy the playlist!
June summer book study- - STARTING Now, June 4th
Fervent, A Woman's Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer by Priscilla Shirer
Remember, each day is an opportunity for us to...
Lead, Serve and GO!