January 27, 2020
The Patriarchs ~ Week 9
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Good Morning Princesses,
Can you believe it? This is the last Monday for January 2020. Hard to believe that the time went by so fast! A couple of save the dates and updates as we close out the month:
Check out the GO! website next week as we launch this year's upcoming 2020 WEN Symposium on Saturday, April 25th from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm at Malone University. Mark your calendars and save the date!
Next week we will have our first guest writer who will provide a Generation Z (born 1996-2010) overview of Joseph's story!
Rounding out the updates is a special thanks to our guest speaker at GO! last week whose conversation on the "TaNaKh, Torah, and the Pentateuch" invited questions, thoughts, and even more questions. Learning, knowledge, and conversations, that's how we grow. Having a heart that's seeking and pleasing to God is what we are all after.
For this week, let me offer a perspective from an excerpt by Nicholas (Nicky) Gumbel, Vica of Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) in the Diocese of London, Church of England and co-author along with his wife Pippa Gumbel of the Bible In One Year. The Bible In One Year commentary started out in 2011 as a daily email for HTB congregation members. It has since grown into an app with a worldwide following. Enjoy, "Your Family Tree" (The Bible In One Year, Day 207 (2011))
The people of God in the Old Testament were the nation of Israel. The people of God in the New Testament are all those who put their faith in Jesus Christ. We share a common history and family tree. We worship the same God and, the apostle Paul tells us, the way of salvation is the same for us all.
1. Our God is the God of Israel
God intended that all nations would be blessed through his choice of Israel (see Genesis 12:3). This has now been made possible through Jesus. You too can walk in a right relationship with God and experience the blessing that this psalm talks about: ‘Blessed are those who… walk in the light of your presence, O Lord. They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness. For you are their glory and strength’ (Psalm 89:15–17). Psalm 89:14-18
2. Our history is bound up with Israel
It is an amazing privilege to be part of God’s people, loved by God, called to be his children, the object of his mercy, prepared in advance for glory in order that he might make the riches of his glory known (vv. 23–24).
Under the new covenant, no one is excluded. Everyone can be saved. God has made possible, through Jesus, a righteousness by faith (v.30). Romans 9:22-10:4
There is more than one way to tell a story. The two books of Chronicles cover the same period as the books of Samuel and Kings. The new writer (possibly Ezra), writing a hundred years or so later, traces the history of Israel from Adam to the return from exile.
We see in these chapters that Israel’s history is our history. Our history goes back to Adam (1:1) and the beginning of the human race.
The church goes back to Abraham. ‘Abraham was the father of Isaac. The sons of Isaac: Esau and Israel’ (v.34). Both Israel and the church of Jesus Christ both look to Abraham as their father.
In chapter 2, the chronicler traces the history of Israel through the sons of Israel right down to David (2:15). 1 Chronicles 1:1-2:17
Again, Israel’s history is your history. The church began with God’s call to Abraham and continues right down the ages until now.
Thank you, Lord, for our common family tree with the people of Israel. Thank you for the extraordinary privilege of being part of the people of God, who trace our history back to the beginning of the human race, through Adam, Abraham and Israel, and right down to the present day.
Oh, princesses of faith...remember
Prayer “empowers and ‘charges up’ every other piece so they can be used effectively against the enemy. Without prayer… your armor, cannot, will not, be infused with the power that only God’s-Spirit can give."
Closing Thoughts
DON'T FORGET...Click on the icon below to access...
Know that through the Holy Spirit you can:
do things you couldn't;
feel things you didn't; and
know things you wouldn't.
GO! 1/27/20- New feature, contains a playlist of songs for your praise and worship time.
See you on Tuesday, February 4, 2020 @6:00 pm, the Stark Main Library (Innovation Center).
*Please continue to read
Genesis 48-50*
Looking to purchase the member study guide now? Take a look at the following sites: LifeWay- $15.99; ChristianBook.com- $15.99
Remember, each day is an opportunity for us to... Lead, Serve, and GO!