December 19, 2016
Good Morning Princesses!
Merry Christmas!
For this week, see the updates below as it relates to to a few items...
Face-to-Face Team: Will be on break the following dates: December 20, December 27 and January 3. Please continue to complete your Week 6 homework. Online team: We will be on break the following dates: December 22 and December 28. We will resume on Wednesday, January 4 with Week 3 of David. Please continue to complete your Week 2 homework. BOTH TEAMS: Over the holiday season, I encourage you to read 1 Samuel as this will either set the stage for some of you (online team) or reinforce the conversations over the last few weeks (face-to-fce team). Also, don't forget about Hebrews 11- Faith In Action! For more information about the study, see, David, Seeking A Heart Like His. (=> Study Information)
1. Praise, Rememberance and Commitment At ALL Times (Time + Conflict= Change) =>FAITH (Part 3)
Even in times of his greatest dispair, David found strength in the Lord...
Recite the following verse aloud...
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
(John 3:16)
Praise, Rememberance and Commitment At ALL Times (Time + Conflict= Change) =>FAITH
Notice the additional part of the equation. Take a look at the following statements and questions below and think about them over the next couple of weeks:
Our God never acts on a whim.There's a bigger "Yes" awaiting and it is tied to our purpose. Whatever conflicts, storms or battles come our way, the test is always the same:
Will you trust me?
Will you have faith that I will always bring you through?
Will you realize I am preparing you for the next adventure?
2. My Own "So Far"
As you think and pray over these statements above know that our God is always there, we just need to have a willing heart and open hands. In other words, can you let Jesus take the wheel?
As we approach Christmas and a New Year, reflect back on your own "so far". Know that faith is a journey "right foot, left foot, right foot, left foot". The equation listed below and discussed over the past few weeks are the road markers along the way: Praise, Rememberance and Commitment At ALL Times (Time + Conflict= Change) =>FAITH )
The below core beliefs (listed below) will keep you moving forward in spite of the storm:
You Are GodYour Words Are TrustworthyYou Have Promised Good Thing to Me
So, dear princesses, as we close out this year, think deeply about your own "so far" (over the course of time).
Praise God for what He has done (God is faith and will do what He said He will do);Remember all that He has brought you through (the many storms and trials); andRenew your commitment (time + conflict {remembering the storms} = change {your growth (we will either grown stronger or weaker}) to trust Him at all times as 2017, a new year approaches.
Now this I know: The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. 7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. 8 They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. 9 Lord, give victory to the king! Answer us when we call!
Prayer “empowers and ‘charges up’ every other piece so they can be used effectively against the enemy. Without prayer… your armor, cannot, will not, be infused with the power that only God’s-Spirit can give.”
Closing Thought-
Know that through the Holy Spirit you can:
do things you couldn't;feel things you didn't; andknow things you wouldn't.
For your praise and worship:
Just Remember- F. Hammond
The Night That Christ Was Born- K. Franklin & The Family
O Holy Night- Pentatonix
We Wish You A Timeless Christimas- I. Houghton & C. Winans
Our Next Study?- It's not to late to join us for Session 5, David- Seeking a Heart Like His. Please forward to a friend. See the link for registration details => David- Seeking a Heart Like HisGO! Celebrates the Holidays-- There will be no face-to-face or online sessions the week of December 18, December 25 celebration of the Christmas and the New Year holiday. GO! will resume the week of January 2 (online) and January 8, 2017 (face-to-face).
Remember, each day is an opportunity for us to...
Lead, Serve and GO!
Each day we have an opportunity to be the light and salt God has called us to be to others. Matthew 5:13-16 (NIV)