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The Newest Addition

Writer's picture: Krista L. AllisonKrista L. Allison

Updated: Feb 13, 2020

October 14, 2019

Good Morning Princesses!

Welcome to our new landing site on GO! Women's Empowerment Network!

Introducing... The FORUM

The Patriarchs

1. Introducing... "The Forum"

This week just one quick note, well, let's make that two...

1. Keep reading (our focus is on Genesis Chapters 20 and 21); and

2. Check out our new addition (see below)!

At our April 2019 inaugural symposium, attendees were asked whether the creation of a space where prayers, praise reports and general discussions would be ideal for GO! readers to direct their prayer, praise report and discussion questions. Those asked indicated "yes" a place of discussion would be useful. Based on responses, we are launching our new addition this week...The Forum.

According to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, the word "forum" is defined as:

a: the marketplace or public place of an ancient Roman city forming the center of judicial and public business.

b: a public meeting place for open discussion.

c: a medium (such as a newspaper or online service) of open discussion or expression of ideas.

See the link below or the tab on the GO! home page which will direct to you to the GO! Forum. This week, a question is posed from a prior GO! Report regarding the Lord speaking and us listening.


If you are free, take a look and post a comment. We'd love to see you engage in the conversation or post a praise report or prayer request. Until next week!

Oh, princesses of faith...remember 

Prayerempowers and ‘charges up’ every other piece so they can be used effectively against the enemy.  Without prayer…  your armor, cannot, will not, be infused with the power that only God’s-Spirit can give."

Closing Thoughts-

Know that through the Holy Spirit you can:

  • do things you couldn't;

  • feel things you didn't; and

  • know things you wouldn't.

GO! PLAYLIST...For your praise and worship:

GO! 10/14/19- New feature, contains a playlist of songs for your praise and worship time.


It's HERE ~ The FORUM!


Save the date, we resume GO! Bible Studies on Tuesday, October 22, 2019, at the Stark Library (Main) from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.

Looking to purchase the member study guide now? Take a look at the following sites:

LifeWay- $15.99;

Remember, each day is an opportunity for us to... Lead, Serve, and GO!


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