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The Plea, Promise, and Fast = > THE CLIMAX

Writer's picture: Krista L. AllisonKrista L. Allison

Hello Princesses!

For such a time as this...

Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:14)

Wow! Chapter 3 sets up the plot and draws the line in the sand. Our heroes and enemies are identified. The rising action in Chapters 1-3 offers the narrative. Setting the stage, describing the characters, their history, etc. are all part of the rising action. However, in Chapter 4 the plot thickens and we are approaching a critical turning point for our heroine, Hadassah (Esther); the climax.

1. The Climax

What is the climax you ask? Well, it is a decisive moment or a turning point in a storyline at which the rising action turns around into a falling action. Thus, the climax is the point at which a conflict or crisis reaches its peak, then calls for a resolution or conclusion.

To bring this closer to home, think back to one of your favorite movies. The climax is the intense situation. It’s really, really, really serious. Our hero is at a decision point. Who will win; what will happen... take a look below.

2. The Megillah- Chapter 4 Recap

Chapter 4 ~ The Megillah





Are you ready for the roller coaster? We are moving up the hill, click, click, click, click.

The lot has been thrown. The dye has been cast.

Remember, the Israelites in Susa (and those that stayed in Persia after the Diaspora) were right in the midst of starting their Passover celebration.

Perfect timing for Haman, but also perfect timing for God (this is the time where the Israelites were remembering)

The death sentence brings great consternation for the Jewish people.

The people are in a meltdown (mourning is the response).

...great mourning among the Jewish people in every province where the king’s command and edict came. They fasted, wept, and lamented, and many lay on sackcloth and ashes. (Esther 4:3)

Mordecai demonstrates his anguish by wearing sackcloth and ashes, wailing loudly on the public streets of Susa tearing his clothing through the streets.

Mordecai is an important person in Susa (senator, leader, Cheif Rabbi).

His actions send a message of the dire consequences.

Why the display? Jewish commentary explains that Mordecai knew, but his knowledge was more than just about the decree, it was the money offered to Xerxes and Mordecai also received information in a dream from God that the Jews in Susa had sinned (rebellious) - they were no longer faithful and loyal to God (other idols (Persia) were put before God).

He doesn’t immediately go to Esther, he demonstrates his anguish in the streets (everyone wake up)!

Esther is unaware until she learns of Mordecai's anguish.

Esther learns of the decree, history has a history, the money offered by Haman and not accepted by Xerxes.

To impress upon her the terror, she receives the decree.

Esther has come to her fork in the road.

Action or Inaction.

To do nothing IS failure.

In an age of feasting, a 3-day fast and prayer are announced.

As Christians, you are royalty (“the crimson bloodline of Christ flows through your veins”- B. Moore).

We all have an Esther in us.

Never forget who you are.

Chapter 4- To live in the tension of loyalty to God and subversion of living in a sinful world; A bad dream? No, a bad dream that has become the reality (a serious set of events); The climax; Toxic shock; A fork in the road; "Who Knows"; Action versus Inaction; A call to action; Fast and Pray; Who knows, God knows and that is faith and hope.

Oh, princesses of faith...remember

Prayerempowers and ‘charges up’ every other piece so they can be used effectively against the enemy. Without prayer… your armor, cannot, will not, be infused with the power that only God’s-Spirit can give."

Closing Thoughts-

Know that through the Holy Spirit you can:

· do things you couldn't;

· feel things you didn't; and

· know things you wouldn't.

GO! PLAYLIST...For your praise and worship:

GO! 11/5/18- New feature, contains a playlist of songs and Books of the Bible (from Bible Project) for your praise and worship time.


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· See you at GO! November 6, 2018, Stark Library - Innovation Center - 6:00 pm- 8:00 pm

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Lead, Serve and GO!



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