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Time to Reboot

Writer's picture: Krista L. AllisonKrista L. Allison
Heavenly Father strengthen us as we pour out so that You can pour in and lead us as we pour forth in Your name. Amen

March 8, 2021

Good Morning Princesses,


According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, reboot (noun) means:

re·​boot | \ ˈrē-ˌbüt \ 1: the act or an instance of shutting down and restarting something (such as a computer or program) 2: the act or an instance of starting (something) anew or making a fresh start.

Turn and Live

This week we start our outward focus on Israel (which according to commentaries is about 15 years of prophesying). In this timeframe, the lens sharpens for Ezekiel who is recommissioned in his role as Watchman by God. In this capacity, Ezekiel announces that God's glory would return and also delivers after the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon a message of:

hope that God will rescue Israel by bringing the messianic king, defeating evil among the nations, and bringing restoration to all of creation from his cosmic temple

(BibleProject. (n.d.). Ezekiel 33-48. Retrieved March 2021, from

Let's Reboot Not Just Today, But Everyday

March 20th is the first day of Spring. You may find that as the seasons change, you spend time reflecting and rebooting.

As we move into a new season and as you begin to think about your so far's from this past year and there too's (where is God leading you), remember to pray, praise, and just worship in God's presence. Also, remember that rebooting is an everyday process. So reboot today, tomorrow, and every day thanking our Lord for His new blessing and mercies He bestows on us each day! Enjoy the extended playlist this week Princesses!


Yes, Lord.


See below for registration details. Hope you can join us and please spread the word.

From That Time On...

Ezekiel ~

Prophet of the Spirit

When: Tuesday's from September 15, 2020 (until June 29, 2021)

Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Study Source: Your Bible

Click HERE for Registration details or visit: GO! Women's Network


Oh, princesses of faith...remember 

Prayerempowers and ‘charges up’ every other piece so they can be used effectively against the enemy.  Without prayer…  your armor, cannot, will not, be infused with the power that only God’s - Spirit can give."

Closing Thoughts


Know that through the Holy Spirit you can:

  • do things you couldn't;

  • feel things you didn't; and

  • know things you wouldn't.


GO! 3/8/21- New feature, contains a playlist of songs for your praise and worship time.


Next week we'll discuss another love language!

Join us... 2020-21 Study

Register=> HERE

Remember, each day is an opportunity for us to... Lead, Serve, and GO!


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